Saturday, November 22, 2014

Camping Birthday Party

We had a camping themed sleepover birthday party for my son's 7th birthday!  We ended up inviting a ton of kids but they had a blast and we survived!  It will go down in history as the most epic sleepover ever - at least in my son's eyes!

I got these ADORABLE paper backgrounds and camping clip art files from Jessica Sawyer Design on Etsy (purchase HERE).  I used her files to create my invitation and all of these cute camping themed items!  I also used mostly "Hallandale Deco JL" font plus "Cicle Gordita" font and "DriftType" font.  Here is the invitation.  We did not sleep outside and I gave 2 pick-up options because I didn't know some of the parents very well and didn't want the child not to come even if they couldn't spend the night!

When the kids arrived, I gave them an orange bandana to wear and let them play outside for a little while.  (The picture is really cute of all of them in their orange bandanas!)  Next, we ate dinner, which I had set up outside.  To decorate, I made a "Camp James" banner and used orange and lime green colors.  For the banner, I used burlap triangles that I found at Hobby Lobby and added letters cut by my Silhouette ("Hallandale Deco JL" font).  I served hot dogs, chips, trail mix, watermelon, and chocolate dipped marshmallows.

To make the chocolate dipped marshmallows: melt chocolate, dip in large marshmallows about half way, then drop in graham cracker crumbs to coat the bottom, and let dry.  I added tags to the marshmallows (download HERE), which I taped to halved orange chevron straws.

After dinner, we played games!  We played flashlight tag, had a sack race, played "dead fish" (where you were out if you laughed or moved), and played the "mosquito bite game" (where the kids were given a sheet of bug stickers and tried to put them on each other without getting caught).  We also did Camp Charades (download HERE).  Here's a picture of page 1:

And, we had a Nature Walk scavenger hunt (download HERE).

Next, we ate cake and the kids came inside to settle down and watch a movie.  In the morning, we gave out brown favor bags that I had stamped and put their names on.  The favor bag had a flashlight, their orange bandana, the scavenger hunt items including a wooden pencil, any leftover bug stickers, candy, and a s'more kit.  I attached a "Thanks Happy Camper" tag (download HERE).  I individually packaged the s'more kit with 2 whole graham crackers, 1 Hershey bar, and 2 very large s'more marshmallows.  I attached a "S'more for Later" tag (download HERE).

Here are some camping thank you notes too (download HERE)!  This is a picture of page 1, but there are a couple of different wording options on the 2 page download.   It was a super fun party!

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